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​Voice of students

* The stories posted here are only a part.

 01 01   <Voice of a male company owner in his 20s>

Even at work, I have a lot of transactions with foreign countries, and I sometimes have meetings on behalf of them, but I was always frustrated because I couldn't say what I wanted to convey.

There are nearly 800 TOEIC scores, but it seems that a revolution has occurred because I could understand why I couldn't speak English in one lesson.

When I try to use English based on the advice given by the teacher, the world has changed completely and I am surprised!

I think it is thanks to the teacher that I thought that I would continue to speak English positively so far.

 02 02   <Voice of a female office worker in her 30s>

Until now, I couldn't go to an English conversation school for a year at all, but with the teacher's lessons, I will be able to speak English properly!

At the same time, I was able to experience the joy of English for the first time.

A whole new approach to English and easy-to-remember lessons will solve everything.


  03 03   <Voice of a female office worker in her 40s>

Scales have fallen from my eyes!

I understand why I have been frustrated many times!
Not only that, but for the first time, you will be able to experience the joy of English and maybe even be able to speak! It is an exciting lesson.
I was happy to learn English that I could really use by teaching me so that I could understand it. We recommend lessons where you can feel the effects!



30代女性 アーティスト 

​RITZ 英会話マスターコース受講

今までの英語経験 ​⇨ 英語環境の大手企業で管理職&フィリピン語学留学&イギリスアート留学

​今後 イギリス移住予定


20代男性  広告業 

​RITZ 英会話マスターコース受講

今までの英語経験 ​⇨ 一般的な学校英語&英会話スクール​のみ

​今後 海外駐在が目標

RITZ Quessionier-1.jpg

20代女性 公務員

​RITZ スタンダードーコース受講

今までの英語経験 ​⇨ 英会話スクール&オンライン英会話&フィリピン語学留学 今後 スペイン留学予定

​* RITZ does not offer basic monitor lessons, so the stories of the students are not posted very often. If you would like to know the voices of the students, please refer to the reviews of the learning site "StreetAcademy".​

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If you are looking for lessons, you can go to StreetAcademy. You can easily learn hobby and business skill courses and lessons in face-to-face or online format. Japan's largest skill sharing site that connects teaching and learning.

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